Università Cattolica ranks in the top 250 universities globally for three broad subject areas: Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences and Medicine, Social Sciences and Management Overall, the University scored in 35 and was ranked in 13 subjects (one of which in the top 100).
More specifically, for the first time ever the University was ranked #179 in Life Sciences and Medicine, #214 in Social Sciences and Management and #219 in Arts and Humanities broad subject areas.
With regards to the subjects, Modern Languages improved its placement moving to position 51-100 (101-150 in 2019) and Psychology entered the top 150 (previously 151-200).
Medicine, Law (101-150), Accounting & Finance, Economics & Econometrics, Agriculture & Forestry (151-200), and Communication & Media Studies (151-200) all remained stable.
Philosophy entered the rankings and placed itself in the top 200; Linguistics moved to the top 201-250 (251-300 in 2019); Sociology remained stable in the top 201-250 and Education in the top 251-300; Business & Management was ranked 251-300.